set up and register your company in shenzhen-m6米乐app

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set up and register your company in shenzhen


  review and approval procedure for foreign-funded enterprises: 

  approval process for enterprises with foreign investment

  prepare materials for approval pursuant to the instructions for the establishment of foreign-funded enterprises

  name approval by shenzhen municipal market supervision administration

  “certificate of approval for establishment of enterprises with foreign investment in the people’s republic of china” issued by shenzhen municipal commerce bureau or competent commerce departments of each district

  review and approval procedure for domestic funded enterprises: 

  “business license” issued by shenzhen municipal market supervision administration

  registration process for enterprises with domestic investment

  prepare materials according to the guidelines for the establishment of domestic-funded enterprises

  name approval by shenzhen municipal market supervision administration

  “business license” issued by shenzhen municipal market supervision administration

  relevant industry administrative license approval

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center