invest shenzhen helped icc-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen helped icc-ndrc explore sino-british scientific and technological cooperation


  the international cooperation center of the national development and reform commission (icc-ndrc) visited shenzhen from august 21 to 24, 2018 to conduct field research work on sino-british scientific and technological cooperation. the aim was to understand the development foundation and planning of shenzhen in the field of sino-british cooperation, and study how to build a cooperation mechanism for sino-british high-level talents in science and technology.

  at present, sino-british relations have reached a "golden age". the two countries have entered a new chapter in science, technology and innovation cooperation. shenzhen and the united kingdom are highly complementary in terms of technology industrialization. since its establishment, invest shenzhen has been committed to cooperating with british companies and institutions to promote scientific and technological innovation cooperation and form industrial clustering advantages.

  based on the preliminary work of invest shenzhen in the field of sino-british cooperation in science and technology, invest shenzhen, together with the office of shenzhen municipal government in beijing, arranged the itinerary of icc-ndrc. first, invest shenzhen accompanied icc-ndrc on a visit to qianhai administration bureau, pingshan new district management committee, and shenzhen development and reform commission innovation center to focus on regional development and the planning of sino-british cooperation in scientific and technological innovation. second, it organized a sino-british innovative cooperation and exchange symposium for a number of british companies, institutions and universities such as london & partners, the china-britain business council, consulate general of the uk of great britain and northern ireland in guangzhou, sino european innovation institute and university of central lancashire, to gain an in-depth understanding of cooperation with shenzhen and listen to various opinions. third, it arranged visits to the shenzhen bay science and technology ecological park, nanshan tagen knowledge & innovation center, futian tian an cyber park and other parks, with a focus on understanding these parks' hardware and software facilities. discussions included the possibilities of cooperating in fields such as the introduction, carrying, implementation, and services of sino-british cooperation projects in the future.

  in the future, invest shenzhen will leverage this investigation opportunity to strengthen communication with icc-ndrc, and cooperate with the strategies of the state and the city to promote sino-british cooperation in the city.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center