china (shenzhen) – us (silicon valley) investment and cooperation conference held in silicon valley-m6米乐app

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china (shenzhen) – us (silicon valley) investment and cooperation conference held in silicon valley


  wang weizhong, secretary of the communist party of china shenzhen municipal committee led a delegation from the city on a visit to boston, silicon valley, san francisco and other regions in the us from june 15 to 19. the trip was aimed at strengthening exchanges and cooperation in several fields with regions in the us, promote mutual benefits and win-win results, and ensure the healthy and stable development of china-us relations.

  the china (shenzhen) – us (silicon valley) investment and cooperation conference was held in silicon valley on june 18.

  wang attended the meeting and met with representatives of renowned companies as well as experts and scholars. wang delivered a speech and witnessed the signing of cooperative projects. he said that deepening china-us economic and trade cooperation is very important for the development of the two countries.

  wang said that the meeting was designed to boost substantive cooperation and benefit the peoples of the two countries. shenzhen has risen rapidly in line with china’s reform and opening-up and has conducted close economic and trade cooperation with the us. now, guided by xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era and the spirit of 19th cpc national congress, shenzhen is implementing measures to expand the opening-up to create a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment

  shenzhen is grasping the great opportunities presented by the construction of the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area to become an important window, a pilot platform, a pioneer and a city of action for reform and opening-up, and to take the lead in building socialist modernization. in addition, it is turning itself into an important window through which the international community can observe china’s achievements in reform and opening-up and the continued progression of this policy.

  shenzhen welcomes companies, start-up teams, research institutions, and professional service providers in silicon valley, california and other regions in the us to set up r&d centers or their headquarters for their china businesses, and invest and establish businesses in the city to share development opportunities and jointly push for healthy and stable china-us relations.

  wang youming, director general of invest shenzhen, gave an overview of opportunities to innovate, establish businesses, and invest and cooperate in shenzhen in light of its outstanding industrial features, regional development and business environment.

  zhang jianxin, deputy consul general of consulate general of the people's republic of china in san francisco, and robert weisenmiller, california energy commission, office of the governor, california, delivered welcome speeches. chen liren, senior vice president at qualcomm, and dan bryant, svp, global public policy and government affairs at walmart, also delivered speeches on behalf of the big international companies that have a presence in shenzhen.

  during the meeting, wang met with the chairman of the california energy commission as well as executives from companies such as walmart, qualcomm, ford and apple to listen to their plans and ideas to develop their businesses in shenzhen.

  wang also met with 10 renowned experts and scholars from distinguished universities in the us, such as zhang shoucheng. experts and scholars expressed their desire to know more about shenzhen and showed strong interest in the city’s new policies for strengthening the environment for talent and innovation. they also were eager to take the opportunity to connect with shenzhen’s universities and companies to obtain more opportunities to establish businesses and develop in shenzhen.

  finally, witnessed by the leaders and guests, a signing ceremony for nine cooperative projects such as walmart’s smart community supermarket and arm’s internet of things biological alliance was held.

  under the theme of “when shenzhen meets silicon valley,” the event was hosted by the shenzhen municipal people’s government, co-hosted by invest shenzhen and co-organized by the state-owned assets supervision administration of shenzhen municipality and foreign affairs office of shenzhen municipal people's government. the event brought together renowned companies, experts and scholars, investment institutions and start-up teams from shenzhen and silicon valley to share the industrial advantages of the two regions and explore opportunities in cross-border cooperation.

  wang stressed that deepening china-us economic and trade cooperation is very important for the development of the two countries and the shenzhen municipal government’s visit to north america was designed to execute the outcomes achieved during meetings by senior officials of china and the us. it was also aimed at boosting more substantive cooperation among regions and work for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries. the signing of cooperative projects at the meeting will boost shenzhen and silicon valley’s cooperation and help develop new sources of growth to advance china-us relations.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center