invest shenzhen holds 2018 training session to improve comprehensive capabilities for investment promotion-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen holds 2018 training session to improve comprehensive capabilities for investment promotion


  to further strengthen the construction of shenzhen’s investment promotion team, invest shenzhen held a 2018 training session to improve comprehensive capabilities for investment promotion in xi’an in late may. as one of a series of training courses under the “investment promotion academy” of invest shenzhen, the training session was designed to improve the core capabilities for attracting investment, so as to improve the comprehensive abilities and professional level of shenzhen’s investment promotion team. the session attracted 56 business backbones from municipality, district and street-level investment promotion departments. wang youming, director of invest shenzhen, delivered a speech and proposed specified requirements on training work. zhang feimeng, deputy director of invest shenzhen, encouraged trainees and took part in the training session.

  the training session was held through forms such as class teaching, case analysis, panel discussions, field demonstrations, and competition and selection and received a hot response from trainees and showed multiple highlights. first, leaders from institutions such as invest hong kong, xi'an investment cooperation committee and new media business school gave lectures on “introduction of hong kong investment promotion mode and experience” and “sharing of xi’an innovative practices in investment promotion”; second, training sessions under the theme of “capabilities in judging and analyzing investment attraction projects,” “presentation and speech skills,” and “promotion of city marketing campaigns and investment attraction” were carried out; third, trainees were organized to visit xi’an hi-tech industries development zone and xi’an national civil aerospace industrial base and hold talks with some related personnel; fourth, the investment attraction talent imitation show under the theme of “shenzhen welcomes you” was held to evaluate the effect of teaching over one week and good effect has been achieved.

  during the training, trainees learned xi’an’s advanced experience in investment attraction and its main practice for gathering innovative resources in industrial parks, which improved their professional capabilities for investment attraction, such as project evaluation, promotion, speech and presentation, and enhanced their awareness of the investment promotion significance, and significantly improved their levels of investment promotion as well.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center