invest shenzhen promotes investment in biology and life health industries in trips to beijing and shanghai-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen promotes investment in biology and life health industries in trips to beijing and shanghai


  biology and life health industries are shenzhen’s main strategic emerging industries and are business sectors of the future. introducing premium investment projects, talent and teams that suit shenzhen’s industrial development is the main method in speeding up industrial development. to grasp the opportunities provided by industrial development, a delegation led by invest shenzhen along with the city’s economic, trade and information commission, the health and family planning commission, the financial industry development and service office of shenzhen municipal people's government, and futian district and pingshan district, visited fortune global 500 companies pfizer, roche, fosun group and new hope group as well as unicorn company beijing zhifei lvzhu biopharmaceutical in beijing and shanghai. the delegation also attended the 2018 china biopharmaceutical industry international investment and cooperation conference hosted by the investment promotion bureau of the ministry of commerce in shanghai.

  beijing and shanghai are china’s centers of industrial development and also home to biological and life health company headquarters and premium r&d centers. during the visits, invest shenzhen promoted shenzhen’s business environment and introduced preferential policies for headquarters, technology, industry and talent, all of which served as a good foundation for exploring and introducing quality projects to shenzhen.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center