2018 shenzhen graphene industrial chain innovation-m6米乐app

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2018 shenzhen graphene industrial chain innovation-driven development forum and road show held


     the 2018 shenzhen graphene industrial chain innovation-driven development forum and road show were held in gs park, a special industrial zone for the graphene industrial chain in longhua district, on april 12. in attendance were wang youming, director of invest shenzhen, zhang feimeng, deputy director of invest shenzhen, zhang nasha, standing committee member of the cpc longhua district committee and executive deputy head of longhua district, chen jianmin, deputy head of longhua district as well as other officials from the district’s economic promotion bureau, technological innovation bureau and guanhua sub-district office. the event focused on the graphene industrial chain. graphene is known as the “king of new materials” as it is the thinnest, strongest and hardest substance with the highest thermal conductivity among the new nano-materials disocvered so far. experts predict that graphene will lead a new technological revolution in the 21st century.

  in the vip room, wang youming met with a group of experts and entrepreneurs led by wang quan, academician of the academy of science of the royal society of canada and canadian academy of engineering and professor at the southern university of science and technology. wang then visited gs park and listened to the report by the park’s leaders on its development and companies that have set up operations there.

  zhang feimeng said in a speech that since 2014 invest shenzhen has been studying and promoting investment in the graphene sector with other government departments and districts. under its guidance, a research institution exploring applications for advanced graphene technologies and a graphene association have been established. the gs park was established as a special industrial park for the graphene industrial chain in longhua, while a group of research institutes and companies in china and overseas have been introduced to shenzhen to help build the city into a center to research uses of graphene in china and globally. invest shenzhen will always support innovation-driven development of the graphene sector and welcomes talented individuals, groups and companies in china and overseas to invest and grow in shenzhen.

  zhang nasha said that the cpc longhua district committee and longhua government will continue to provide preferential policies, funds and services to boost the development of the graphene sector, graphene-related technological innovation and connectivity among companies in the industrial chain. gs park will serve as a platform for research exchanges to boost industrial applications of graphene-related products and facilitate sharing of technology, sound development, and win-win results.

  yang zhong, president of shenzhen jinxiu dadi investment, said that graphene-related companies such as tuv rheinland, phenix jln, shenzhen kejing star technology and bmf have set up operations in gs park. guided and supported by invest shenzhen and the longhua government, the park will continue to develop as a special industrial zone for the graphene industrial chain and establish itself as a platform for industrial applications and commercialization of the technology to facilitate the rapid development of the graphene sector.

  at a signing ceremony, five companies including matrass c-graphene science-technology group limited and harbin xinke nano science & technology development, entered into an agreement with gs park. the graphene association of shenzhen also signed a cooperation agreement with the park to contribute to its development.

  during the summit, wang quan, li baohua, director of division of energy and environment, graduate school at shenzhen, tsinghua university and deputy director of shenzhen geim graphene research center, and liu jianhong, chairman of shenzhen eigen-equation graphene technology and vice chairman of the graphene association of shenzhen as well as other major industry players discussed graphene’s global trends and its application in the area of energy storage.

  new graphene energy holding limited, matrass c-graphene science-technology group limited, jw-innova, harbin xinke nano science & technology development, phenix jln, dongguan yinxing technology development, 3t development and zhengtian technology held a road show and received feedback from experts at shenzhen capital group, shenzhen investment holdings, shenzhen university, zte and eigen-equation. the event was aimed at establishing a channel for exchanges and to help projects to conduct road shows to launch commercial operations and raise funds.

  the event also had a q&a session, during which officials from longhua’s economic promotion bureau and technology promotion bureau explained policies and answered questions from entrepreneurs to help longhua district attract more graphene projects and achieve  further development through graphene clusters.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center