invest shenzhen successfully holds the "2017 global industry summit on internet of everything"-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen successfully holds the "2017 global industry summit on internet of everything"


  in order to build our city's industrial advantages in the internet of things, smart wearable items, artificial intelligence and intelligent manufacturing, invest shenzhen cooperated with china wearable computing industry alliance to organize the 2017 global industry summit on internet of everything on november 19. more than 600 industry representatives, including leaders from the state information center, the state administration of foreign experts affairs, entrepreneurs from relevant industries and representatives from the investment community attended the summit.

    deputy director jia changsheng said in his speech at the summit that the development trend of the internet of things and the intelligent hardware industry is unstoppable. shenzhen, as the city for innovation in the science and technology industry, has the most complete industrial chain in the electronic information industry and world-leading innovation environment. it is prepared to provide fertile ground for the coming growth of the internet of everything (ioe) era, and welcome entrepreneurs to invest in shenzhen.

  at the summit, the china wearable computing industry alliance released the 2017 china wearable computing industry research report and issued a certificate for the experts who newly joined in the alliance professional committee.  in addition, institutions and enterprises representing wearable industry standards, smart watches, 5g, chips and artificial intelligence, etc., gave their perspectives on the development trends in the industry and the prospects for cooperation with shenzhen.

  through this event, our agency and the china wearable computing alliance jointly have established an industry exchange and cooperation platform in our city to discuss "opportunities and challenges in the internet of everything era" with industry professionals. it provides guidance and forward-looking help for our agency in our efforts to focus on cutting-edge technologies, grasp industry trends and introduce and judge key target enterprises.

  after the summit, a number of participating enterprises, representatives of investment and financing institutions, industry experts and scholars said they will work together for the development of shenzhen's iot industry.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center