invest shenzhen holds expert review meeting on the business environment assessment report project-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen holds expert review meeting on the business environment assessment report project


  on the afternoon of november 13, invest shenzhen organized and held a project expert review meeting for the "2017 annual report on the research and assessment of business environment in shenzhen". the meeting invited experts to participate in the review from the government investment project review center, comprehensive development research institute (shenzhen), the south university of science and technology of china, peking university shenzhen research institute and tsinghua university shenzhen research institute.

at the meeting, the experts listened to the report from benchmark chambers international and provided helpful opinions and advice on the "2017 annual report on the research and assessment of business environment in shenzhen".

  in-depth discussions and exchanges were then to improve the business environment in shenzhen. the aim is to further optimize the business environment in shenzhen and improve research and assessment on the business environment of our agency.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center