invest shenzhen attends 2017 shenzhen business environment seminar-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen attends 2017 shenzhen business environment seminar


  on the morning of november 3rd, director wang youming and deputy director zhang feimeng from invest shenzhen, attended the "union · partnership" 2017 welcoming new arrivals and appreciation meeting and shenzhen business environment seminar held by the shenzhen international investment & promotion association.

  at the meeting, director wang youming, deputy director zhang feimeng and wang huaben, chairman of shenzhen international investment & promotion association participated in the awards ceremony for the new vice chairman of the units of shenzhen international investment & promotion association (siipa).invest shenzhen introduced the background of the business environment and the evaluation and research work on the business environment in the past year. various departments and entrepreneurial representatives conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the business environment in shenzhen.director wang youming and chairman wang huaben made speeches to summarize the state of the current business environment of shenzhen and the meeting.

  this meeting strengthened the exchange on the business environment among key enterprises in our city; and provided useful and constructive comments and suggestions for our agency to carry out further research on and evaluation on the shenzhen business environment.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center