deputy mayor gao zimin inspects invest shenzhen’s investment promotion work-m6米乐app

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deputy mayor gao zimin inspects invest shenzhen’s investment promotion work


  on october 24, gao zimin, deputy mayor of shenzhen, visited invest shenzhen to inspect its investment promotion work. accompanied by leaders of invest shenzhen, gao visited invest shenzhen’s showroom, where he learned about its organizational structure, project exploration and introduction, main areas for investment attraction, building of international parks and establishment of global investment promotion networks. gao also took time to meet with leaders and staff.

  at the meeting, wang youming, director of invest shenzhen, elaborated on achievements, main practices, current status, measures to-be-adopted, problems and suggestions on investment attraction for shenzhen’s investment promotion system. after listening to the report, gao acknowledged the efforts and achievements made by invest shenzhen and praised the “proactive thinking, active efforts and remarkable achievements”, while also issuing important instructions on investment promotion. gao pointed out that invest shenzhen should follow the important arrangements made by the cpc shenzhen municipal committee and the shenzhen municipal government to create a better business environment, promote shenzhen on the world stage, attract major and key resources worldwide, and speed up shenzhen’s evolution into an international tech and industrial innovation center. furthermore, invest shenzhen should target key areas such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, biotechnology, graphene, and chip design, bring together top domestic and international experts, companies, research institutions and main innovation areas, and establish systemic advantages combining technology, education, trade and investment promotion to better attract large and high quality investment. finally, invest shenzhen should prioritize leveraging the opportunities from the establishment of the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area, the guangzhou-shenzhen science and technology innovation corridor and lok ma chau loop and advantages from the cooperation between shenzhen and hong kong to introduce more major industrial projects to shenzhen. this will help make shenzhen home to industries and create a good business environment. related officials from the general office of the shenzhen municipal government also participated in the inspection.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center