invest shenzhen held an investment cooperation conference in santiago, chile-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen held an investment cooperation conference in santiago, chile


  on the morning of september 5, local time, invest shenzhen successfully held the china (shenzhen) - chile (santiago) investment cooperation conference in santiago, chile. nearly 100 people from santiago businesses, institutions and academia attended the meeting.

  at the conference, deputy director zhang feimeng introduced the excellent environment for innovation and entrepreneurship in shenzhen. she pointed out that shenzhen is a global “design city” which is vibrant, multicultural, open and inclusive, with widespread passion for entrepreneurship. it has the most comprehensive industrial environment, being known as a "maker’s paradise", and it has broad cooperation with chile. chilean enterprises and institutions are welcome to invest in shenzhen, and invest shenzhen will provide great assistance. the shenzhen delegation made a comprehensive introduction of the "innovation, entrepreneurship, makers and venture investment" of shenzhen and its entrepreneurship policy. the good innovation and entrepreneurial environment of shenzhen deeply impressed the participants. they have expressed willingness to visit and personally experience the charm of shenzhen - the city of innovation.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center