invest shenzhen leaders meet delegation from berne, switzerland-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen leaders meet delegation from berne, switzerland


  on 2nd march, a delegation from berne, switzerland, led by mr. denis grisel, director of the berne economic development agency (switzerland) and dr. zhao yingbo, visited the city and held a meeting with invest shenzhen.

  at the meeting, mr. jia changsheng, deputy director of invest shenzhen, warmly welcomed mr. grisel and his delegation and introduced the previous years' achievements in shenzhen in regards to technology innovation, talent introduction and industry development. he also expressed his sincere wish that berne can introduce more high technology companies and products to establish bases in shenzhen. mr. grisel spoke about how they are going to launch cooperation on anchor projects between the swiss innovation park , switzerland, shenzhen bay science & ecology park, and the baoneng science and technology park, and extended his hopes of promoting investment and communication between bern and shenzhen in the fields of medical tech, it & information communication tech, automation, micron-nano tech, and other high-precision technologies. both sides reached a consensus to further strengthen cooperation between bern and shenzhen in the fields of hi-tech, energy conservation and environmentally friendly technologies, and push forward communication on the economy, trade, and science and technology in the form of periodic group visits, setting up the innovation & startup express, and jointly holding forums.

  after meeting, the delegation conducted an on-site investment inspection of the shenzhen bay science & ecology park organized by shenzhen international investment promotion association.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center