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shenzhen-edinburgh high-tech industry investment exchange successfully staged in edinburgh


  in the morning of september 9, 2016 (local time), the shenzhen-edinburgh high-tech industry investment exchange was held in edinburgh, scotland. the event, organized by invest shenzhen and the city of edinburgh council, and co-organized by the shenzhen creative investment group, scottish development international (sdi), and china-britain business council was quite successful. guests from the city of edinburgh council, sdi, china-britain business council, invest shenzhen, qianhai administration office, and the longhua new district administration committee attended the meeting. over 150 representatives of british industry associations, high-tech enterprises, universities, investment foundations, and shenzhen's enterprises participated in the exchange.

  during the event, both sides expressed the hope to extend the tradition of friendly exchanges built upon the sister city ties between shenzhen and edinburgh since 2012 and to deepen bilateral cooperation in science, technology, investment, culture and other areas.

  invest shenzhen introduced the favorable business environment in shenzhen and recommended the city as the best choice for scottish high-tech enterprises and entrepreneurs to enter china. shenzhen pays close attention to communication and cooperation with scotland on it services, biological medicine, finance and other fields. the two cities share broad cooperative prospects and great potential in many fields such as technological r&d, innovation and entrepreneurship.

  the qianhai administration office introduced governmental policies for the qianhai free trade zone (ftz), and explained their policy advantages and opportunities from the perspectives of market, innovation and industrialization. british enterprises (including scottish enterprises) were warmly welcomed to carry out investment and cooperation enterprises in qianhai.

  the investment exchange had aroused tremendous response in edinburgh. shenzhen's favorable environment for innovation and entrepreneurship and the huge potential in bilateral cooperation attracted numerous scottish political and business communities to participate. numerous scottish enterprises, such as swift cornerstone and informatics ventures, showed a keen interest in investing in shenzhen. during the exchange, the scottish enterprise, explicatus had an in-depth discussion with shenzhen's sxultrasonic ltd. both sides expressed the intent to further communicate and cooperate, and their discussion achieved good results. in addition, invest shenzhen had a discussion with the city of edinburgh council and sdi on further strengthening ties and assisting their enterprises in exchanges and cooperation. in october, a special business delegation from edinburgh will pay a return visit to shenzhen.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center