invest shenzhen launches a series of investment promotion activities in bahrain-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen launches a series of investment promotion activities in bahrain

   to implement the government's one belt, one road strategy and build shenzhen into the bridgehead of the maritime silk road in the 21st century, invest shenzhen has explored channels for cooperation and launched a series of investment projects in the middle east, realizing primary positive results. to consolidate the investment cooperation between shenzhen and middle eastern countries, while further exploring investment and cooperation projects, invest shenzhen, at the invitation of the economic development board of bahrain, assigned a delegation to bahrain to launch a series of financial industry investment exchange activities from november 30 to december 4. the delegation mainly visited bahrain's economic departments and trade associations, exchanged views with financial service and assets management enterprises and bodies, and launched a series of fruitful investment promotional activities.

  during the visit, the delegation visited khalid al rumaihi, (ceo of the economic development board of bahrain) and they discussed a wide range of issues including stepping up bi-lateral investment cooperation and jointly building industry parks or incubators. khalid al rumaihi indicated that bahrain is optimistic about the future of the cooperation and shenzhen's development. he also invited delegations from the shenzhen government and enterprises to visit bahrain and accelerate cooperation. in addition, the delegation also visited a series of well-known companies and organizations, including the bahrain international investment park, bahrain dragon city, osool asset management b.s.c. (osool), the gulf finance house and the kuwait finance house.

  during the visits, the delegation introduced the status of shenzhen's economic and social development, investment environment and supporting policies, exchanged views on issues including project connections, cooperation between chinese and bahrain industry parks, and establishing foundations, and reached primary investment and cooperation intentions.

  the delegation also spoke with trade associations and chinese enterprises that included the bahrain-norway chamber of commerce, bahrain innovation association, bahrain huawei and chinamex. the discussion centered on issues including building the investment promotion network and promoting investments. the series of visits increased bahrain's understanding of shenzhen's investment environment and helped to explore cooperation channels with bahrain's major enterprises and investment projects. bahrain showed a deep interest in expanding into the chinese market and sharing the fruits of shenzhen’s industry development. their enterprises, related government administrations and business associations and chambers indicated that they will step up bi-lateral investment and cooperation and establish communication and cooperation in multiple sectors and various modes.

  bahrain's competitive industries include financial services, professional services, information and communication technology, logistics, transportation, and finance, which account for a quarter of its gdp. bahrain is also a world-renowned islamic finance center in the persian gulf region and middle east that includes islamic finance, insurance, re-insurance, assets and wealth management. bahrain is also home to many foreign bank branches such as citibank, hsbc and the bank of paris.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center