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invest shenzhen stages shenzhen-uae aviation industry investment cooperation exchange event


  to implement china’s “one belt and one road” strategy, facilitate becoming a bridgehead for the “21st-century maritime silk road”, expand new areas for investment promotion and consolidate the investment promotion activities launched in april in the uae and saudi arabia, and encourage potential investors or cooperators to invest in shenzhen, invest shenzhen, together with the qianhai authority and the shenzhen aviation transportation association, invited the representative enterprises they visited previously (including abu dhabi aviation) to visit. they arranged for the representatives from uae enterprises to visit qianhai, shenzhen-shanwei special cooperation zone and key parks, introduced leading enterprises in the city’s aviation industry to investment cooperation opportunities with the foreign guests, all of which strengthened their determination to enter the chinese market, and clarified the direction of abu dhabi aviation’s first project in shenzhen.

  at the shenzhen-uae aviation industry investment cooperation exchange event held at the wuzhou hotel, invest shenzhen introduced the city’s investment environment to participants and welcomed foreign enterprises to seek cooperation opportunities in shenzhen based on the city’s positioning and industry development direction. a representative from the management office of the bonded port area under the qianhai authority introduced advantages of the aircraft leasing and investment environments in qianhai. the shenzhen aviation transportation association briefed the attendees about the current condition of and future investment opportunities for the domestic aviation industry. abu dhabi aviation introduced its main businesses and the aircraft leasing industry abroad; sam bazzi, president of ace consulting summed up the importance and positioning of qianhai as a platform for developing the aircraft leasing industry. after the meeting, the attendees continued to discuss their business models and development prospects, and visited the shenzhen-shanwei cooperation zone.

  before the meeting, wang youming, director general of invest shenzhen, met with a delegation led by mr. michael burke, senior advisor to abu dhabi aviation. both sides discussed how to strengthen cooperation and promote investments in shenzhen by enterprises from the middle east.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center