invest shenzhen launches the shenzhen-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen launches the shenzhen-st etienne cultural and creation industry exchange


on march 20, invest shenzhen and luohu district government jointly held the shenzhen-st etienne cultural and creation industry exchange seminar to promote cooperation between the two cities in developing the cultural and creation industry. during the seminar, st etienne's deputy mayor, director of development and business promotion, international relationship director and several senior designers met with over 20 leading enterprises and associations in shenzhen to discuss potential cooperation opportunities. after the seminar, we accompanied the delegation to visit a group of industry leaders including fiyta, artop, ttf jewelry and topart.


as the capital of le loiret, rhone-alpes in middle east france, st etienne received city of design status from the un in 2010.

cooperation between shenzhen and st etienne will help boost the development of the cultural and creation industry.


record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center