invest shenzhen meets founder and executive director of draper fisher jurvetson-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen meets founder and executive director of draper fisher jurvetson


to promote the development of internet finance, draper fisher jurvetson (dfj) visited shenzhen to set up a venture capital fund with the help of invest shenzhen. on december 6, 2013, wang youming, director of invest shenzhen, met the dfj delegation, and held an informal discussion with tim draper, the founder and executive director of dfj, and dfj's chinese partners such as li guangxin and qu jingdong.


the two parties discussed the venture capital fund, the business environment in shenzhen and policies for supporting the financial industry. jiang yucai, deputy director of the shenzhen office for venture capital fund management, the shenzhen municipal commission of development and reform, the shenzhen finance office, and the qianhai administration were also involved in the formal discussion.

dfj is one of the leading venture capitalists in the international internet field. its fund is the only american mainstream fund with partnership networks widely distributed throughout the world. with branches and offices in more than 30 cities worldwide, dfj has invested in over 600 venture companies and managed capital worth us$7 billion. founder tim draper guided investment in baidu, hotmail and other companies, and is recognized as an american guru in the field of venture investment.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center