invest shenzhen visits nordic industry leaders-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen visits nordic industry leaders


between 13 and 20 october, a delegation led by director wang youming launched a series of investment introduction activities in finland and sweden and visited key local enterprises and industry parks.


during their stay in finland, the delegation visited kone corporation, seinajoki frami hi-tech park,eurajoki hi-tech park and a series of major players in the new energy and ict fields. the delegation met with finnish companies, business chambers and r&d centers including epec, thermoplis, vaskiluodon energy research institute, and the university of vaasa and rauma business chamber.


in sweden, the delegation visited swedish business leaders and research bodies including ericsson, artema and huawei's research institute in sweden. these meetings have improved swedish companies'understanding of shenzhen and promoted numerous potential projects, including bmh's plans to explore investment opportunities in shenzhen in the near future.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center