invest shenzhen sponsors investment promotion activities during the 8th cilf-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen sponsors investment promotion activities during the 8th cilf


the 8th china (shenzhen) international logistics and transportation fair (cilf) was held on october 14 at the shenzhen convention & exhibition center. established in 2006, the fair attracted over 1,200 companies and more than 80,000 professional visitors from over 30 countries and territories this year.


to use this fair to promote investment, invest shenzhen has stepped up efforts to study the policies relating to the logistics and transportation industry; helped the organization committee set up the fair; contacted and built ties exhibiters during the preparatory period to identify potential investors; set up an investment consulting booth to promote shenzhen's outstanding business environment; and designated staff to visit exhibitors and talk about potential investment projects.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center