invest shenzhen hosts the first investment and cooperation conference in india-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen hosts the first investment and cooperation conference in india


in the morning of august 28 local time, invest shenzhen hosted the shenzhen (china)- india investment and cooperation conference at the bombay, india's financial center, marking the first meeting of its type ever held in india, invest shenzhen and qianhai shenzhen - hong kong modern service industry cooperation zone administration jointly introduced shenzhen's business environment and investment opportunities in qianhai.



the meeting attracted over 100 representatives from various business organizations including indian merchant's chamber, indian federation of commerce and industry, bombay chamber of commerce and industry, and senior executives from various sectors. invest shenzhen and bombay's leading business authority-indian merchant's chamber-signed a memorandum of understanding that covers boosting investment by chinese and indian enterprises and facilitating high-profile visits.


the consul general of the chinese consulate general in bombay liu youfa and indian merchant's chamber's vice president sanjiv mehta attend and gave speeches at the conference. we also took the opportunity to network with india's leading entrepreneurs for an hour after the conference. the main topic discussed involved running businesses in shenzhen, indicating that india's business leaders are keen to help promote shenzhen's investment environment and industry trends among india's enterprises. liu youfa revealed that the global top-500 company tata group is considering expanding its business in china. underpinned by a solid industry foundation and business environment, shenzhen is seeking to attract tata group's head office and its most profitable business segments.


as a bric, india is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, emerging as a key exporter of software and financial services. in recent years, india has aimed to become a hi-tech production leader, which has fueled the growth of emerging industries such as automobile, electronics manufacturing, aviation, and space exploration. thus, both india's and shenzhen's development strategies are currently following the same path. in this context, invest shenzhen plans to proactively encourage india's industry leaders to run businesses in shenzhen and provide information and channels to help shenzhen companies tap into the indian market.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center