invest shenzhen promotes investment through icif-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen promotes investment through icif


on may 17, the 9th international cultural industries fair (icif) was held in shenzhen convention and exhibition center. the fair gathered 2,118 government delegations, enterprises, and agencies, an increase of 190 over last year's event. for the first time ever, overseas exhibition area has surpassed 10%, accounting for 13.7% of the total exhibition space. the event attracted more than 16,000 buyers from over 90 countries and regions, positioning it as a key platform for investment promotion.

to fully utilize the icif to facilitate investment promotion, invest shenzhen focused on learning policies relating to cultural industries and highlight cultural industries as a focal point for research in 2013 to improve our service standard; participated actively in preparations made by the icif organizing committee and fulfill all tasks assigned by the committee; analyzed target exhibitors to identify potential investors in shenzhen and strengthen contact with these investors through various channels of contact with exhibitors during the exhibition; set up an exhibition booth for investment consultation to promote shenzhen's strong business environment. our investment specialists visited other booths and participated in various activities during the event to explore project opportunities; invited overseas investors to the fair. during the icif, invest shenzhen will organize negotiations between shenzhen's enterprises and europe's creative culture companies to promote exchange and cooperation between chinese and foreign outstanding companies and attract more investment into shenzhen.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center