invest shenzhen promotes investment through the biotech exhibition-m6米乐app

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invest shenzhen promotes investment through the biotech exhibition


the 1st shenzhen international biotech innovation forum & exhibition was held at the shenzhen convention & exhibition center during december 13-15, 2012. during the expo, invest shenzhen has launched a wide variety of promotional activities to showcase shenzhen's image and business environment.



invest shenzhen has assigned investment project managers in different halls to talk to prospective investors to perceive investment demands and explore the possibility of investment projects.



the expo has attracted 133 agencies and enterprises from 18 countries and regions to showcase the latest achievements in biological technology. shenzhen's bio-tech industry added rmb17.4 billion in output value, rising 20% year on year and topping other chinese cities in 2011.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center