shenzhen plans to build 10 innovation centers to further advance high-m6米乐app

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shenzhen plans to build 10 innovation centers to further advance high-end manufacturing


  from the generation 8.5 lcd panel to the first generation 11 line to the second generation 11 line launched this year, shenzhen china star optoelectronics technology co., ltd. (csot), starting from lcd panels, is making strides towards creating ultra hd and printed oled panels of higher grades and bigger size, thus taking “made in shenzhen” to an even higher level.

  sticking to the spirit of “driving nails”, “made in shenzhen” continues to make persistent and long-term efforts to move forward. it is precisely the city’s desirable environment for innovation and entrepreneurship that encourages local manufacturers like huawei, csot, cimc, skyworth and dji-innovations to make innovations, experiment with new concepts and upgrade themselves, all of which has laid a substantial economic foundation for a stronger and better “made in shenzhen” with comparative advantages.

  in fact, the sound and steady development of shenzhen’s economy has benefited from the longstanding growth of the real economy represented by industrial production. from january to may this year, the added value of industrial enterprises above a designated size in shenzhen was 312.122 billion yuan, an increase of 8.7%, among which the manufacturing of communications equipment, computers and other electronic devices increased by 11.6%.

  a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster

  by adopting supply-side structural reform and improved quality of supply and efficiency as the main tasks, shenzhen, following the guidelines for high-quality development, is building itself into a national-level advanced manufacturing demonstration area, promoting the close integration of manufacturing with new technologies, new businesses and new modes, and accelerating the process of high-end, intelligent, service-oriented and green manufacturing.

  an official at the economic, trade and information commission of shenzhen municipality noted that this year the city has built a pilot cluster for advanced manufacturing and formulated a trial scheme for development of a next-generation information and communications cluster. this is part of efforts to create a distinctive world-class next-generation information and communications cluster, with complete systems, close synergy and strong competitiveness, while promoting the construction of a number of intelligent manufacturing demonstration plants and creating national and provincial intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration projects.

  notably, shenzhen is carrying out a new round of key projects to cultivate and introduce engineering projects. this is especially evident in its embrace of the opportunity to create a national-level advanced manufacturing demonstration area, while striving to launch key projects at national and provincial levels. it is also focusing on leading industries like next-generation information technology to build a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster.

  in may, shenzhen added another brilliant milestone to its list of key major industrial projects: an ultra hd new display device generation 11 production line was launched in guangming new area. the line can process about 90,000 sheets of 3,370mm*2,940mm glass substrates per month and was built with a total investment of about 42.683 billion yuan. this project, which is a preemptive move targeting the large-size, ultra hd panel market and to gain a greater international voice, is invested by tcl, csot and shenzhen fund for major industrial development and scheduled to start commercial production in march 2021.

  highlighting advanced manufacturing technology

  shenzhen is making every effort to work towards high-end manufacturing. so far, the city is planning to build 10 manufacturing innovation centers in emerging industries ranging from 5g, new displays, integrated circuits, robotics, additive manufacturing, graphene, new energy vehicles, aerospace equipment to offshore engineering equipment and precision medical treatment.

  innovation centers for terahertz, graphene, micro-nano manufacturing and intelligent marine engineering have been put on the list with a focus on fulfilling the task of building 10 centers. this will help achieve breakthroughs in core technologies, speed up the construction of industrial clusters, and foster a number of 10 or 100 billion-level industrial clusters to help shenzhen build international technical and industrial innovation centers.

  advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing have performed well. statistics show that in the first five months of this year, shenzhen's advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing created an added value of 215.224 billion yuan and 200.545 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 11.9% and 11.4%, and accounted for 69.0% and 64.3% of the added value of industrial enterprises above a designated size.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center