shenzhen to introduce relevant opinions and policies to speed up development of the cultural and creative industries-m6米乐app

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shenzhen to introduce relevant opinions and policies to speed up development of the cultural and creative industries


  in 2017, the cultural and creative industry in shenzhen made great achievements.

  the cultural and creative industry in shenzhen achieved an added value of rmb 224.395 billion (an increase of 14.5%) that accounted for more than 10% of the city's gdp, and the industrial added value ranked second among seven strategic emerging industries. there are nearly 50,000 cultural and creative enterprises in shenzhen, with more than 900,000 employees, and 3,155 enterprises above designated size.

  the 19th national congress of the communist party of china put forward the general requirements of "building stronger cultural confidence and helping socialist culture to flourish". it clearly proposed that "we will improve modern systems for cultural industries and markets, explore new mechanisms for cultural production and operation, improve economic policy for the development of the cultural sector, and develop new forms of business in this sector". the goal is to provide an important theoretical guideline and action program for the development of cultural and creative industries in the new era. the ninth plenary session of the 6th municipal party committee proposed that "we will comprehensively promote cultural innovation and development and strive to make new breakthroughs in the construction of a strong cultural city".

  new requirements are put forward in the new era. how can we achieve new breakthroughs in the new journey?

  shenzhen municipal party committee and municipal government attaches great importance to the development of the cultural and creative industry, and specifies the requirements for the construction of five systems for the modern cultural industry characterized by quality connotative development in the shenzhen's cultural innovation and development 2020 (implementation plan). at present, the publicity department of shenzhen municipal party committee and the municipal sports and tourism bureau are trying to improve the cultural and economic policies by carrying out investigation. they plan to issue the opinions on accelerating the innovative development of cultural and creative industry and supporting policies, and plan to establish the shenzhen cultural and creative industry promotion association to vigorously promote the development of the cultural and creative industries, constantly enhance their strength and core competitiveness and accelerate the construction of a strong cultural city with modern, internationalized and innovative features.

  the cultural and creative industry in shenzhen ranks first in china

  in recent years, the cultural and creative industry in shenzhen has seen continuous and rapid development, and entered a new stage, with rapidly increasing industrial strength. it has become a pillar industry in the city, a strategic emerging industry and a vital engine for rapid and healthy economic development. the total scale of shenzhen's cultural industry is second only to that of beijing and shanghai, ranking among the top cities in china.

  in addition to first-rate strength, shenzhen also has leading an innovation mode and agglomeration effect.

  "the oct group has been working hard on the comprehensive development of cultural tourism for 30 years, especially in shenzhen. the comprehensive development of cultural tourism has been a major featured business of the oct group", said by yao jun, general manager and deputy party secretary of the oct group. at present, the oct group has launched large cultural tourism investment projects in nearly 50 cities including beijing and shanghai, and strives to be a leader in the chinese cultural industry.

  in addition to the "culture tourism" model, there are some new innovative modes such as "culture technology", "culture creativity", "culture finance" in china’s cultural and creative industry. shenzhen has actively promoted the development of industrial convergence, and formed a new "culture " business mode, which is a new growth point for the cultural and creative industry. the "culture technology" has particularly prominent competitiveness with a number of growing cultural tech enterprises that rely on high and new technologies take digital content as their main focus and independent intellectual property rights as their core. these companies include tencent and fantawild.

  shenzhen has a remarkable industrial agglomeration effect. with rich capital, technology, information and other factors in the market and a good development environment, there are increasingly more group-oriented large-scale cultural enterprises. according to statistics, there are more than 40 shenzhen-based cultural and creative enterprises listed in china and abroad, and 14 enterprises and industrial parks including oct, dafen village, artron and tencent have been chosen as national demonstration bases for the cultural industry. the number of icif parallel sessions that focus on cultural industry parks and bases increased from 1 in the 1st icif to 68 at the 13th icif.

  shenzhen has made diligent efforts to help chinese culture "go global".

  in recent years, the export volume of shenzhen's core cultural products accounts for about 1/6 of the total from china each year. shenzhen has become a golden port for china's cultural trade and a bridgehead to help chinese culture "go global". as the sole country-level, international and comprehensive cultural industry exhibition in china, the icif has been successfully held for 13 years, and the exhibition scale, number of visitors, degree of internationalization, and trade achievements have increased year-by-year. fantawild has successfully exported theme parks with chinese independent brand culture to foreign countries. "boonie bears" and other animation products have been exported to more than 100 countries and regions. lkk design established a branch in london. ttf company set up a high-end jewelry brand headquarters in paris. artron and c&c won more than 100 gold medals at the world's top prize "benny awards". "shenzhen brand" and "shenzhen design" are becoming a strong emergent force in the international cultural market.

  the "suggestions" and policies will be issued to cultivate more excellent and stronger cultural and creative enterprises.

  despite the remarkable achievements, the "short board" cannot be ignored. shenzhen’s cultural and creative industry is developing rapidly, but it also has many shortcomings. for example, its industrial structure needs to be further optimized, its innovation mode needs to be deepened, and it lacks industrial development space and resources and industrial talents.

  the short board determines the overall effect. we should make up for the short board for the long run.

  在under the new conditions, shenzhen will conscientiously implement the development program of the cultural and creative industries as developed by the central government, provincial party committee and municipal party committee. in addition, the city will grasp the target, direction and key points of industrial development, and quickly study and improve its cultural and economic policies. it is currently soliciting advice for the suggestions on accelerating the innovative development of cultural and creative industry (draft) (referred to as "suggestions") and supporting policies, which will be released after revision and improvement as soon as possible.

  these "suggestions" clarify the development goal of shenzhen’s cultural and creative industry. shenzhen plans to build a modern cultural industry system characterized by quality-oriented development and improve the cultural market system. the content industry and creative design, digital culture and other new forms of business account for more than 60%, and the annual growth rate of cultural and creative industries remains above 10%.shenzhen will constantly expand the scale of cultural products and services exports, and improve industrial quality and international competitiveness. the added value of the city's cultural and creative industry will exceed 300 billion yuan by 2020, accounting for more than 10% of the city's total gdp. the cultural and creative industry will strengthen its position as a strategic emergent industry and become a pillar industry of the national economy. this will help shenzhen to be an international cultural and creative pioneer city that leads the trend of creative innovation, has distinctive cultural and technological features, an open cultural image and a vigorous cultural industry.

  in order to achieve the innovative development of cultural and creative industry, the "suggestions" put forward specific tasks from six aspects. these are promoting the innovation of cultural industry, making stronger market, promoting the construction of key projects, optimizing industrial space layout, improving industrial service platform, and strengthening cultural and trade exchanges. shenzhen will focus on the development of ten major industries, including creative design, film and animation, performing music, new media and cultural information services, cultural software and games, digital publishing, cultural tourism, high-end arts and crafts, high-end printing, and high-end cultural equipment. the city is committed to striving to form new features and advantages, and constantly improve the comprehensive strength of cultural and creative industry.

  the "suggestions" propose that shenzhen should guarantee and support the rapid and healthy development of cultural and creative industry by strengthening guarantees from many aspects, such as organizational coordination, finance, land space, development environment and talent resources.

  the policy of shenzhen city on the revitalization and development of cultural and creative industry adheres to the basic problem-oriented, demand-oriented and strategic guidance principles, such as optimizing structure, readjusting policy structure, highlighting independent innovation and the cultivation of market main bodies. it newly introduces the "advancing the agglomeration development" and adds some applicable terms for cultural enterprises in the shenzhen-shantou cooperation area. for example, it focuses on problem guidance, avoids the confused phenomenon of special funds, guides and supports leading enterprises to carry out major projects in achieving greater development. in view of the problem that small and medium-sized enterprises have difficulties in getting financing loans and have insufficient capital, shenzhen will take some policy measures such as rent subsidies and interest discounts for innovative loans, establish a bad debt compensation pool to encourage financial institutions to grant loans; adhere to demand-oriented principles, increase financial support for national platforms, and increase financial support for public, basic and inclusive industries.

  shenzhen cultural and creative industry promotion association is about to be established.

  there are nearly 50,000 cultural and creative enterprises in shenzhen, and more than 900,000 employees in this industry. at present, there are nearly 50 registered organizations in the cultural industry, which have good development momentum and play an active role in their respective fields. however, as a big city for the cultural industry, shenzhen still lacks an authoritative and leading public service platform that covers the whole cultural and creative industry. in order to better serve and promote the development of cultural and creative industry, shenzhen will promote the establishment of the shenzhen cultural and creative industry promotion association in accordance with the requirements of the central government, and based on the standard development of social organizations in the cultural field and the advanced practices of other cities. as a local non-profit organization and vital assistant of the party committee and government in promoting the development of cultural and creative industry, the promotion association will give full play to the functions of industry research, industry service, industry self-discipline and policy advice, take certain functions of the government, and give full play to promoting cultural and social organizations for the development of the cultural and creative industries in shenzhen.

  in addition, we will use the advantages of the modern financial industry in shenzhen, strengthen cultural and financial cooperation, promote the establishment of banks with cultural and creative features, establish cultural and financial alliances, create cultural and financial service centers, and provide excellent investment and financing services for developing the cultural and creative industries.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center