shenzhen began to accept application for talent scout award, up to rmb 200,000 for the introducer of academicians-m6米乐app

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shenzhen began to accept application for talent scout award, up to rmb 200,000 for the introducer of academicians


  shenzhen has begun to accept application for the 2017 talent scout award. enterprises, public institutions, private non-commercial organizations and human resource service agencies that introduced talents from outside shenzhen, and organizations that were newly listed in the “pearl river talent plan” or the “peacock plan” can apply for the award. innovation and entrepreneurial teams whose leaders are qualified as excellent talents of shenzhen can apply for an award of up to rmb 2 million provided that they have made major contributions and have great influence upon review and approval.

  the conditions for issuing the talent scout award are: talents introduced from outside shenzhen refer to academicians of the chinese academy of sciences and chinese academy of engineering who are introduced from outside shenzhen (or overseas), talents in the “recruitment program of global experts” and “china’s high-level talent special support plan”, leading talents in guangdong’s “pearl river talent plan”, national and regional leading talents in shenzhen, and overseas high-level category a and b talents. the talents should be introduced on or after march 23, 2016 and sign a three-year or longer labor (employment) contract with their employer (and they must work in shenzhen for at least 9 months each year). regional leading talents should also handle introduction procedures. talent teams are those which were included in the “peacock plan” and those which were included into guangdong’s “pearl river talent plan” via application in shenzhen on or after march 23, 2016. each individual talent and team can only apply via a single organization and can do so only once; individuals in a team cannot submit repeated applications.

  the standards for issuing the talent scout award are: organizations that introduce excellent talents such as academicians of the chinese academy of sciences and chinese academy of engineering are awarded rmb 200,000; organizations that introduce talents in the “recruitment program of global experts” and “china’s high-level talent special support plan”, a leading talent in guangdong’s “pearl river talent plan”, a national and regional leading talent, and category a and b overseas high-level talent are awarded rmb 100,000. organizations whose teams were newly included into the “pearl river talent plan” or the “peacock plan” are awarded rmb 150,000. innovation and entrepreneurial teams in which talents that qualify as an excellent talent from shenzhen, serves as a team leader, makes major contributions and has a great influence can apply for awards of up to rmb 2 million upon review and approval by the office of the leading group for human resources in shenzhen. in principle, the talent scout award is issued to employers that introduce talent. in the event employers bring in talent through a human resource service agency, the employer and human resource service agency should make a joint application and award allocation will be negotiated and decided by the two parties. qualified organizations should submit application documents to the human resources and social security administration of shenzhen municipality by november 30.

  the administration reminds applicants that the award should be used in accordance with relevant fund management regulations, and mainly used in talent introduction and training. the finance commission of shenzhen municipality and the administration will monitor and check management and use of the subsidy. in the event an organization or an individual obtains the subsidy by cheating or fraud, the administration will recover the subsidy in accordance with relevant regulations and such misconduct will be recorded in the city’s credit reporting system. such organizations and individuals are banned from applying for the talent scout award and other financial subsidies and grants. if they are suspected to be in violation of the law, their cases will be handed over to judicial organs.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center