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shenzhen msu-bit university opens


  shenzhen msu-bit university held its opening ceremony at its provisional campus on september 13 after three years of preparation.

  shenzhen msu-bit university, located in shenzhen, is jointly founded by the shenzhen municipal government, beijing institute of technology (bit) and russia's lomonosov moscow state university (msu). it is working to evolve into a world-class comprehensive and distinctive university, offering elite education and high-level research activities. it trains high-quality talents and strives to produce high-level academic achievements for global technological and economic development, while fostering china-russia strategic cooperation and regional economic and social development.

  shenzhen msu-bit university offers four major areas of study incorporating the distinctive research fields of bit and msu. students will be granted with diplomas from shenzhen msu-bit university and msu. shenzhen msu-bit university also offers master’s and doctoral degree programs at msu such as theoretical economics, practical economics, foreign languages and literature, mathematics, geography, biology and materials science and engineering.

  the university will enroll 113 chinese undergraduate students from eight provinces (municipalities) in china, including 33 students from shenzhen. it hopes its graduates will not only become professionals in different industries but also take part in and make contributions to china and russia’s cooperation in economic and social development.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center