coverage of the “5 social insurance categories” breaks through the 50 million mark in shenzhen, ranking it at the forefront of the nation-m6米乐app

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coverage of the “5 social insurance categories” breaks through the 50 million mark in shenzhen, ranking it at the forefront of the nation


  social insurance is the foundation of people's livelihood. since the 18th national congress of the communist party of china, shenzhen’s social insurance has continued to develop and improve, and has achieved remarkable results.

  the 18th national congress pointed out the way for shenzhen to enhance its social insurance. over the past five years, general secretary xi jinping has delivered a series of important speeches and issued directives and requirements regarding the work on employment and social insurance. on november 15, 2012, just after xi jinping had been elected as general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of china, he led the 18th standing committee of the central political bureau of the communist party of china to speak at the local and foreign media conference, where he clearly stated: “our people love life and expect better education, more stable jobs, better income, more reliable social security, medical care of a higher standard, more comfortable living conditions, and a more beautiful environment. they hope that their children can grow up better, work better and live better.”

  in february 2014, the state council issued the opinions on establishing a unified basic pension insurance system for urban and rural residents, and made it clear that a unified basic pension insurance system for urban and rural residents should be established nationwide before 2020 and it should be comprehensive, fair, unified and standardized. this was an important step in the establishment and perfecting of the system.

  since the 18th cpc national congress, comrade xi jinping, as the core of the party’s central committee, has adhered to the concept whereby the people are the center of development and has attached great importance on protecting and improving the people's livelihood. he has made promoting employment a priority in economic and social development, made strengthening the construction of social insurance system a means to promote fairness and justice, found an important way to achieve common prosperity and constantly improve the people's livelihood, and deepened systemic reforms and innovation, so that the public can share in more and better fruits of development, and gain a sense happiness that is constantly increasing.

  over the past five years, the shenzhen human resource and social security bureau has been actively exploring and researching how to further improve the social security benefits and provide better services to the general public. it has established a social security safety net, and provides protection for the special difficulties of basic livelihoods of the public and fights to ease their worries.

  for example, from the joint efforts of the entire city, the shenzhen social insurance system has been improved, and those covered by it continue to expand to include pension, medical treatment, unemployment, and work-related injury, while births have exceeded the 10 million mark. the total number of insured is more than 50 million, which ranks it at the forefront of the country.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center