sz 1st french tech hub-m6米乐app

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sz 1st french tech hub


  shenzhen was officially inaugurated as a french tech hub yesterday, the first city in china to be announced by the french government as a french tech hub.

  shenzhen and nine other cities around the world were officially declared as french tech hubs on thursday by french prime minister manuel valls.

  matthias fekl, french secretary of state in charge of foreign trade, tourism and overseas french, attended a meeting with the french tech community in shenzhen at hax, a hardware accelerator in huaqiangbei, to officially inaugurate shenzhen as a french tech hub.

  "the cooperation between france and china in terms of digital and emerging technologies has huge potential," said fekl. he said the world's biggest startup incubator will be established in paris next year, which will have the capacity to cater to 1,000 startups.

  according to fekl, the french government has also launched a program called french tech ticket to help foreign startups get placed in 41 french startup incubators for free.

  he said 2,700 companies including 45 chinese startups have applied to join the program this year, which is double the number from last year.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center