metro line 14 to link with huizhou-m6米乐app

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metro line 14 to link with huizhou


  shenzhen's metro line 14 will be extended to huizhou, a city east of shenzhen, the dongjiang times reported tuesday.

  according to the newly revised transportation plan for shenzhen metro line 14, the metro line will be extended to huiyang district of huizhou.

  cai yiwen, a huizhou's lawmaker, said shenzhen's metro line 14 is expected to be finished in 2017 and will begin operation before 2020.

  but cai also said the inter-city rail project lacks policy support from the provincial government and faces problems when connecting the two cities' transportation facilities.

  he suggested that the project be listed as a provincial project so its implementation can be guaranteed.

  chen yiwei, party chief of huizhou, said the key to linking the cities mainly depends on construction.

  "shenzhen metro line 14 was originally planned to end at pingdi station in pingshan new area, which is only around 2 kilometers from huizhou's border. it is about 13 kilometers away from huizhou south railway station. we plan to extend the metro line all the way to the station, which will connect to the huizhou's metro network," chen said.

  at last month's huizhou municipal congress, chen revealed that huizhou will link to shenzhen through a series of rail projects including the ganshen (jiangxi-shenzhen) high-speed rail and shenhui (shenzhen-huizhou) inter-city rail.

  a comment on the internet, attributed to muxiaodao, praised the plan because when driving to huizhou there was often bad traffic.

  another huizhou netizen said that in the past many people who worked in shenzhen chose to spend their weekends in huizhou. over the next five years, it might be possible to work in shenzhen and live in huizhou with a rail connection.

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center