sz north railway station adds night trains-m6米乐app

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sz north railway station adds night trains


  shenzhen north railway station will operate an additional 14 pairs of night-time high-speed trains during the spring festival transport season, which will start jan. 24.

  the trains include eight pairs between shenzhen and guangzhou, four pairs between shenzhen and caoshan station in eastern guangdong province, one pair between shenzhen and zhengzhou in henan province and one pair between shenzhen and xi'an in shaanxi province.

  on feb. 3, 4, 23, 24 and 25, the railway operator will add three trains to beijing, and one train to shanghai. on feb. 24, it will add a round-trip train between shenzhen and caoshan.

  there are still some unsold train tickets from shenzhen's east railway station to xiangyang, chengdu, chongqing, wuhan and zhengzhou. shenzhen's transport terminals will handle an estimated 15.41 million passengers during the 40-day spring festival transport season

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center