the city government will give subsidies totaling 13.5 million yuan (us$2.21 million) to 53 people who studied abroad and returned to shenzhen to build a business.
thirteen people will each receive 500,000 yuan, the maximum amount, according to yesterday's report by shenzhen special zone daily.
the minimum subsidy is 150,000 yuan, which will be given to 30 people.
there are more than 2,000 enterprises in the city that were established by chinese citizens returning from abroad. over 30 of those enterprises have an output value of more than 100 million yuan each, according to statistics provided by shenzhen administration of foreign experts affairs.
the subsidy is part of shenzhen's efforts to draw professionals to return from abroad. the other efforts include establishing industrial parks to facilitate the development of start-ups, the paper reported.
many of the aforementioned firms are in the high-tech industry.
among the biggest are xunlei and sibiono, according to the paper.
(source:shenzhen daily)