bioscience hub planned in baguangbioscience hub planned in baguang-m6米乐app

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bioscience hub planned in baguangbioscience hub planned in baguang


a massive bioscience hub is planned for the baguang area in the northeastern section of dapeng peninsula, according to a draft plan shenzhen's planning and land resources commission has released for public comment.

baguang is a 930-hectare area enclosed by the yanba expressway, coastline and paiya mountain. the plan states the bioscience hub will provide 80,000 jobs, with 35,000 of those workers expected to live in the area and the remaining 45,000 expected to live in kuichong and dapeng.

development plans include three public transportation terminals, greenways and bike paths. private cars won't be allowed in the area.

a coal-fired power plant was originally planned for the area, but the commission canceled that plan after strong protests from residents.

the new plan states that development will focus on the bioscience industry but also will include facilities for coastal tourism, scientific research, education, cultural innovation and exhibitions. business clusters and public service facilities in the bay area will connect with public transportation.

residents can log onto the commission's official website at for more details. no english-language service is available.

(source:shenzhen daily)

record no:guangdong icp 19022168 commerce bureau of shenzhen municipality,all rights reserved. technical support:shenzhen municipal e-government resources center